Digital Ranking School

what to ask seo consultants

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Choosing the right SEO consultant can have a major impact on your website’s success, so asking the right questions during your initial consultation is crucial. Here are some key areas to cover:

Experience and Expertise:

  • Have you worked with businesses in my industry? This ensures they understand the specific challenges and opportunities your niche presents.
  • What kind of results have you achieved for similar clients? Look for specific examples with quantifiable improvements in ranking, traffic, or conversions.
  • What are your areas of specialization within SEO? Do they focus on technical SEO, content marketing, link building, or other aspects?

Strategies and Methodology:

  • What is your overall approach to SEO? Do they prioritize long-term organic growth or quicker, short-term tactics?
  • What specific tactics would you recommend for my website? Get a clear understanding of their proposed plan and how it aligns with your goals.
  • How do you stay up-to-date with the latest SEO trends and algorithm changes? This shows their commitment to ongoing learning and adapting to a dynamic field.

Communication and Reporting:

  • How often will you communicate with me and provide updates? Ensure you’ll be kept informed about progress and have opportunities to ask questions.
  • What kind of reports will you provide? What metrics will be tracked, and how will you demonstrate the success of your efforts?
  • Who will be my main point of contact? Knowing who to reach out to for questions or concerns can streamline communication.

Cost and Engagement:

  • What are your fees and pricing structure? Get a clear understanding of costs upfront and avoid any hidden fees.
  • What is the minimum project engagement length? Some consultants require fixed contracts, while others offer flexibility.
  • What level of internal support will be required from my team? Understand the workload needed from your end to implement the SEO strategy.

Additional Questions:

  • What are your thoughts on my current website’s SEO performance? An initial assessment can be helpful in identifying potential areas for improvement.
  • How do you handle competitive analysis? Understand how they plan to outrank your competitors in search results.
  • What are your ethical considerations when it comes to SEO? Choose a consultant who uses white-hat tactics for long-term sustainability.


  • Listen carefully to the consultant’s answers and ask clarifying questions if needed.
  • Pay attention to their communication style and overall professionalism.
  • Don’t be afraid to compare proposals from different consultants before making a decision.

By asking the right questions and choosing the right SEO consultant, you can set your website up for success in the search engine results pages.

I hope this helps! Feel free to ask me any other questions you might have about SEO or choosing a consultant.

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